Keys to Success

Last night convo about success w/ a doctor I've been knowing since 2014:
Him: Josh you have the keys to success....
Me: I must be trying to open the wrong door?
Him: No. You have the right key in the right door. The key is just barely in. You're trying to twist it too early. Keep pushing. 
Me: It's a timing thing then. 
Him: Exactly. 
Moral of the story: 
Hustle while you wait. 
Your time is coming. 
Just make the most of it when it does come. 
Don't be like most ppl and get discouraged when things don't go right and take the safe way out. The "what if" will kill you quicker than the "oh shit"...
And don't be in such a rush to where you push the "key" in the lock and break the "key". Ruining relationships. 
Ruining your reputation. 
Ruining your life for a quick come up will come back to haunt you. 
Credibility is very important in entrepreneurship. 
 Our name is all we have. 
And if you do it right, your name alone will open doors that you never thought possible.

It's okay to hustle. 
It's okay to struggle. 
But it's not okay to keep struggling with the same things. Self-sabotaging is what I have a problem with. I'm too overly ambitious at times. I'm too eager to risk it all. 
But there comes a point in time to ease back and lift a lighter load with a laser like focus. You'll get more out of it. 
So yes. Hustle. But slow down. 
So yes. Struggle. But make sure you're getting stronger, not weaker. 

Josh Wise