Mirror, Mirror on the Wall..

Yesterday, I asked a couple clients what do they see when they look in the mirror.

First, I got a puzzled look. Then I asked what’s your mental view of yourself? Your perception of you. What are you capable of, who do you believe you are, where are you headed?

Having a understanding of “knowing thyself” is probably one of the toughest riddles in the world. To objectively look at yourself is scary. Self analysis breeds accountability and responsibilities. Because you are the problem and the solution.

If you only only see the bad, you’re reaping what you’re sowing currently. Love yourself. If you aren’t living up too your potential. You are playing yourself. If you are constantly cycling through ups and downs. You’re too focused on the outside. Work within.

Understand: I don’t care who you are. Your self image is the first step to success or failure. You are who you believe you’ll be. You will only grow to the limits you place on self.

I encourage you to reprogram yourself. 95% of our habits are subs conscious, meaning we do things without thinking. And that is the problem. Genes. Environment. Culture. All plays apart of who you are today. Stop today and ask yourself the questions above, it’s the only way to get over yourself.

Tip: step outside yourself. Watch how you move, watch how you eat, watch how you love, watch who you are around, watch what you watch. What you put in you get out. Mind affects body. Body affects mind. Gotta be in harmony to succeed. Thoughts become things. #wiseUP

Written August 3rd 2020

Josh Wise