Day 22.

How are those goals coming along? Did you make a dent in them? Did you get that gym membership? What about organizing your work station? What about spending more time with your family? Making more money? What about saving more? You said you wanted to live life to the fullest, how is that working out for you?

You have time right? Not exactly. If you put your goals off today, you will put them off tomorrow. And within a blink of an eye, a year will past by.

Just backtrack 5-10 years from now. How did you let yourself go physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Financially? Where did you lose focus? Where are you headed? Did you really have goals in the first place? You lost your purpose.

What we are going to do is restart 2017. Lets reset our goals and resolutions. Here are 7 questions you should write down to reignite your 2017.

1) Are your goals clear? Specific? Detailed? Can they be seen? Daily? If not, get to writing. There is something special when pen meets pad. There is a connection between thoughts turning into words, and words turning into actions. 

So was your goal to get healthy or fit? Well, what does healthy mean to you? Write that down. Be as descriptive as possible. Be clear with your definitions. How do you want to feel, why do you want to feel that way, who will it benefit besides you? Visualize it. 

2) Is your goal measurable and objective? If you can't measure it you cant progress it. Your goals must be tangible. You want to lose weight? How many pounds? You want to make more money? How much do you need to make per day to get you to your goal within the year? Those are measurable and objective. Cut and dry. Anything other than that is a fantasy. No more dreaming. No more vagueness. Put your cards on the table. 

3) What is the time frame? There has to be a timeline. You have to have a schedule. If not you will be tempted to procrastinate. It is too easy to push off your to do list to the next day. And we know where we will end up then. Setting the same goals in 2017, in 2018, don't be that person. So you want to lose 50lbs within the year? Great we have 365 days in a year so we have to lose, 4lbs every 30 days. Very doable. Now if you want to lose 50lbs in 30 days. That is very unrealistic. So make sure you set your goals for you to win, not to lose. Give yourself as much time as you need, but just make sure you stay on schedule. 

4)Now this is where things get interesting. If losing 4lbs a month seems too easy. Stretch yourself. Challenge yourself. If saving $20 a week is too easy. Put up $50 a week. A little dose of stress to your goals is a great way to have have break throughs. Building a brand, and attempting to open up a gym stretched me into a new person. Things I use to fear are no longer fears, they are opportunities to get better. Public speaking, I get excited, I can hone my craft. Launching new products, no biggie, it forces me to do market research. Instead of counting losses, I'm counting opportunities. 

Set that bar a tad bit higher than you originally set, so you can reach a tad bit higher. This is how you stretch yourself. 

5) Are some of your goals conflicting with your current lifestyle? You must have harmony between who you are what you want to accomplish. I've heard plenty of people say they want to become full time personal trainers, yet they still have a full time jobs. It is very hard to play on 2 different teams and be great at it. I see people time and time again want to lose 30-40lbs in 3-6 months, yet they sleep 2-3 hours a day, don't have any desire to workout more than 2 times per week, and has no desire to change those habits. Your goals must be in alignment with who you are. Not who you think you are. This is a gut check to setting challenging, yet realistic goals. It is going to be very hard to start a new business, while you watch Netflix more than you are willing to work. 

What are you willing to get give up to become more?

6) Be balanced. Well, counterbalancing. If you are a family man that has kids, but you are in the midst of opening a new business it will be required to work extremely long hours missing time spent with your children. So to offset that you must set a time on the weekends, even weeks to where it is just about family. That is counterbalancing. If you have fitness related goals and it separates you from your social life, set out times to where you can enjoy your friends without hindering your goals. If your circle does not support your goals, its time to make a new circle. Nothing in life is balanced if you want to be great at it. Make sure the people you love and hold dear to your heart knows this and why. They'll respect you a lot more if you do.

Your should always strive goals in all phases of life, but with all phases comes seasons to where one may outweigh the other. Family. Friends. Finances. Hobbies. Self-Development. Spirituality. Should always be in the mix in your 2017 goals. Seems like you have some juggling to do, but juggling is fun right? This will keep you on your toes and make life little more meaningful, little more exciting and a little better by the day. 

7) Do you have a purpose for these goals? What is that one goal if you accomplish will turn your life around? Figure that out. You must have a rhyme to a reason. Why do you want to lose 30 pounds? Why do you want to make more money? Why do you want to be more organized? Why do you want to live life to the fullest? Your life becomes great when you know your purpose. When you figure that big goal out, it will make those smaller goals more attainable. 

Reset 2017.

If you ask yourself questions, raise your standards while raising your awareness and  continously stretch yourself. I firmly believe you will accomplish everything you have set out to do. 

Know more. Do more. Be more. #wiseup

Josh Wise